Coconut Chia Hot Toddy (Cocktail)

The weather is getting chilly, so this is the time of year we start enjoying a creamy Brandy Alexander in the evening. However, I wanted to try something new. I found this recipe for a coconut chia hot toddy while surfing the web –

I doubled it to make 2 servings but, as usual, didn’t quite follow the instructions as written in the original recipe.

In a big pyrex measuring cup, I added 1 1/2 cup hot water, 2 TBSP sugar and 2 chai teabags. I allowed that to steep while I opened, stirred and warmed a can of coconut milk. I also added about 1 1/2 shots of dark rum to each coffee cup. I then combined the warmed coconut milk with the tea mixture and poured into the cups. I garnished with a sprinkle of cinnamon.

It is a tasty drink and the warmth was soothing on a cool night. BUT…personally, I don’t think it quite compares with a Brandy Alexander in flavor. The Brandy Alexander remains my go-to, cold weather, evening cocktail.

Give this hot toddy a try and let me know what you think.

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